bernie mitchell, ontario, canada

Congratulations Bernie Mitchell on winning the title of 2014 Drywall Artist of the Year! Bernie is a 20-year veteran of the drywall business.
Bernie makes his mark in the drywall industry by creating detailed, life-like drywall art sculptures. Drywall art sculptures are custom wall designs made from drywall compound to create a three dimensional mural.
This art form has seen a recent increase in popularity. Homeowners are discovering that drywall art sculptures customize spaces and add one-of-kind features to their home. Since these sculptures are entirely custom, homeowners are involved in the design process. “I've always encouraged my clients to participate in the design process,” Bernie said. “It's very rewarding to share in their enthusiasm for what was created together.
Bernie begins each job with a vision and a blank space, typically an area of drywall with a few coats of primer. He oftentimes creates his vision from nature - sculpting birds, wolves and horses. On a recent job Bernie was commissioned to create a sculpture of a wolf and wolf cub. The initial shapes of the wolves were created using drywall compound. Texture was then added to the piece by using a variety of shaping tools. A drywall knife is the perfect instrument to create tree branches, a spoon shapes the compound to form the ground and brushes create the ideal texture to replicate wolf fur.
At the end of the process, Bernie has created a work of art. The final design shows two wolves sitting next to a lake surrounded with trees and mountains, all created with drywall compound and some basic hand tools.
Bernie’s talent does not stop at creating drywall art sculptures. He is a skillful drywall contractor, using Trim-Tex products to beautifully finish homes. He has been in the drywall industry since 1976 and about ten years after he got started as a drywaller, he opened his own company, Artistic Drywall. “A lot of new products became available to me [when I opened my own business], bullnose bead, bullnose arch, adaptors, drywall cove and cornice,” he said. “All of these products contributed to my ability to offer my clients a new look that was desperately needed in our industry.”
Currently, Bernie’s favorite Trim-Tex product is reveal bead. “The potential of reveal bead is endless,” he said. “This fine and simple look can bring life to any wall or ceiling…” He uses reveal bead to frame his drywall art sculptures and to enhance home features, like fireplaces.
Bernie also makes his own custom Step-A-Bull look by adding a layer of drywall on top of either side of a bullnose bead, creating an extra deep step. Bernie’s keen ability to create beautiful finishes takes homes to a new level, turning drywall into drywall art.
For more great photos, view his gallery here! If you are interested in learning more about his mud sculpting, visit his website at