If you’re reading this, welcome to the all-new Trim-Tex.com — this new website is the result of countless hours spent rebuilding your online experience with Trim-Tex from the ground up.
If we’ve done our jobs right, you’ll now be able find what you need from us (and maybe even find a thing or two you didn’t know you needed) far more easily than ever before. Looking for specific installation instructions? Head on over to Resources and pop the product you’re looking for into the search bar. Just need to ask our customer-service team a quick question? That big, blue “CONTACT US” button’s in the top-right corner of every page.
In this article, we’re going to introduce a few of the new features you can find on the all-new Trim-Tex.com, but please, take a look around for yourself, on your computer, phone or tablet — we hope you love it as much as we do.

Enhanced product pages
The crown jewel of our new website are easily the new product pages. Besides a general new-and-improved look over our last website, these pages feature everything you need to know about each of our beads, from the general to the highly technical. Scroll through the photo carousel on each page to find high-quality, real-world photography of these drywall accessories, serving as instructions or inspiration. Just below that, we’ve got animated installation videos for your easy reference, as well as interactive 3-D renders for you to get an up-close-and-personal view of each bead.