How to Make an Accent Wall Using Drywall

Who says walls need to be flat? Go beyond, go bigger, go wild — an accent wall can be more than just a bold paint color or a big, weird piece of art (with all due respect to big, weird pieces of art, of course). Using nothing more than drywall and the right finishing accessories, you can transform one wall and turn an entire room into something unforgettable. Here’s how to make an accent wall using drywall, and leave a lasting impression on everyone who enters that room.

When we were remodeling Trim-Tex HQ, creating new office spaces and meeting areas for our staff, we wanted to go big for the biggest office in our newly redesigned Innovation Center. We created a design that spans the entire wall, full of sharp lines and acute angles, but you can do just about anything with your own wall — the only limit is your imagination!

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Step 1: Cut out and hang your drywall design

For our new office, we chose to use a bunch of sharp, angular lines (plus the Trim-Tex “T” in the top-right corner) but your own design can be whatever you want — curves and tight corners are okay!

Using extra sheets of drywall, mark out what you’ll need for your design with a pencil, then cut it out with a drywall saw and, if needed, a jab saw. Then you’ll hang your cut drywall, screwing them into the existing sheet(s) of drywall. Apply mesh tape on any seams between cut pieces of drywall.

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Step 2: Attach Architectural L Beads

The secret to make an accent wall using drywall is vinyl Architectural L Beads. These allow you to finish the rough edges of drywall and create sharp, highly durable contours for all kinds of areas. Again, we used straight lines all over our accent wall, but if you created a curved design, we do offer Archway L Beads in most sizes to help make that design dream a reality.

Select the L Bead size to match the width of the cut drywall you used for your design (i.e., we used ½” drywall, so we chose ½” L Bead). Apply the L Bead to either side of the drywall you hung for your design so that its solid vinyl flange covers the rough edge of the drywall and the mud leg is partially covering the smooth surface. Then, attach the bead using 847 Spray Adhesive and ½” staples every 6-8” (or, if you skipped the spray as we did, double up your staples — apply them every 2-4”.

We made an accent wall with L Beads! | Trim-Tex Architectural L Bead
We made an accent wall with L Beads! | Trim-Tex Architectural L Bead

Step 3: Mud, mud, mud

This is the fun part: time to start mudding. You will want to apply mud on every drywall surface where you’ve installed your L Beads, totally covering the beads’ mud legs right up to its slight, raised mud bump. You do not need to apply mud to the solid flanges, as these vinyl surfaces are already finished and paint-ready — keep these as clear of compound as possible. Once this mud is dried, you’ll want to sand and apply your second coat (and, if needed, a third).

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Want to get a look at Architectural L Bead for yourself and see if it’s right for your next big idea? Hit the button below and we’ll send you a free sample!

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Request a Free Sample of Architectural L Bead

Finish the rough edge of drywall with the sharpest and cleanest L Bead on the market.

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