Trim-Tex is proud to announce that BUILDINGS has selected Mud Set Beads as a 2016 Money-Saving Product winner. This product is a member of an elite group of 76 products showcased in the June 2016 issue of BUILDINGS and online at

Finalists were evaluated by the BUILDINGS editorial staff for the money-saving qualities they offer to building owners and facility managers in areas such as energy efficiency, water savings, and maintenance.
Trim-Tex Mud Set Beads are a revolutionary product for commercial settings. Mud Set Beads are a drywall corner bead made from high impact rigid vinyl and feature Trim-Tex’s patented Mud Lock technology. The Mud Lock technology creates three times more bonding than traditional paper faced metal corner bead. The durability of rigid vinyl and patented features of the Mud Lock technology make Mud Set Beads the world’s strongest corner bead.
Unlike other mud-on corner beads that use a paper mud leg to adhere the drywall compound to the wall, Trim-Tex Mud Set Beads feature a specifically engineered hole pattern creating three times more bonding surface on the mud legs that allows mud to seep through the bead and bond the corner bead to the wall. The strength of the bond between the mud legs, drywall compound and wall allows the legs of the Mud Set Bead to withstand forces exerted upon the nose of the bead during impacts. Mud Lock technology also features tiny mud grips on the underside of the mud legs that increase the friction between the mud compound and the wall, improving the bead’s adhesion to the wall.
On top of that, Mud Set Beads won’t dent, rust or mold because they are made from durable vinyl. And since the properties of vinyl are elastic, Mud Set Beads easily absorb impacts and bounce back to its original form. These durable materials reduce building maintenance costs since the product can easily withstand daily wear and tear.
Think of this - the package delivery man walks into your business to drop off a package. It is a large and unwieldy box and the delivery man hits the corner of the wall while dropping off the package. It happens and quite often - between suitcases, rolling carts and moving dollies, it’s a rough world out there for a corner! With traditional metal corner bead, an impact like that could cause extensive damage, likely deforming the nose of the bead, which requires replacement of the entire corner bead. However, with Trim-Tex Mud Set Bead, the vinyl would absorb the impact and remain in perfect condition. If it was a forceful impact, the drywall mud may fall off the corner. However, patching drywall mud is a simple repair compared to tearing out a damaged metal corner bead. In addition, Mud Set Beads come in a variety of shapes and sizes, which allows the product to fit into a variety of commercial settings. There is no need to have ugly, dented corner bead in commercial spaces. Keep commercial settings looking nice by using vinyl Trim-Tex Mud Set Beads. They are an all-around superior finishing product.
What kinds of savings will this product generate? Trim-Tex Mud Set Beads save money and time by reducing building maintenance costs. Every time a traditional corner bead gets dented, rusts, or forms mold, it needs replaced, which is an extensive and expensive process. In the alternative, Trim-Tex Mud Set Beads are strong enough to withstand the most substantial impacts and the worst damage that can occur is the cracking of drywall mud, which is an easy fix. Trim-Tex Mud Set Beads are the most efficient choice for corners in commercial settings.
Trim-Tex Mud Set Beads are completely different from anything on the market. Thanks to Trim-Tex’s patented Mud Lock technology the bond that is created between the bead and the wall is unbeatable. This bond means the bead can absorb great impact and remain intact. Also, the proprietary blend of high impact rigid vinyl material is unique to Trim-Tex, allowing the bead to withstand the toughest impacts. These two features alone make Trim-Tex Mud Set Bead a product that stands alone in its category.
To request a sample visit our Mud Set Bead page and add it to your cart.