Anthony Axon just hit 20 years in the plastering trade. While we’ve spoken to some tradespeople who felt instantly drawn to drywall finishing as if by a magnetic force, Anthony just kind of fell backward into it: when he left high school after year 11 and looked for work, it was the first thing he found.
“To be honest, it was what was available at the time,” Anthony told us. “Basically, through high school, I probably wasn't engaging myself enough. Then my parents just said, ‘Look, you're probably better off trying to find a job.’ I just opened up the local paper and plastering happened to be — well, the company was only, I don't know, five minutes away. I signed up with that. I never had the ambition probably to get into the business or to even own a business — that wasn't even on my radar, to be honest. It's just fallen into place.
“Then I had a good opportunity working with different crews around the country. I suppose I've just got quite efficient at taping, especially just from learning different things from different people. Then, once the money started coming in, I was like, cool, this can be something for me. Once I probably woke myself up a little bit and really threw myself into it, it's just been super rewarding for me.”