Our company takes pride in its team of men and women who continue to come to work every day during this global pandemic. The safety and welfare of our work family is our first priority, and we take this commitment very seriously. We want to share with you, our valued customers, the steps we are taking to deliver our product to you while keeping our workers safe.
As our products are used in new construction, Trim-Tex is considered an essential business. Our products are currently being installed in government buildings, hospitals and other healthcare facilities that are on the front lines of the war on this virus! Our team is working three daily shifts to provide these essential products during this crisis. The sense that we are fulfilling a vital role motivates us and gives us a sense of purpose.
A message from Trim-Tex owner, Joe Koenig:
The company itself is on solid financial ground. We have always eschewed high debt levels and our balance sheet is strong. We continue to implement our long-range business plan despite the crisis: we have made several key hires in production, we are training and developing our staff, and we have made significant long-term investment in our manufacturing technology. Our product development team is poised to roll out several new products in the next few months, and our front office team has managed to work out the kinks in telecommuting and created a “new normal” work-from-home operating environment.
But it is the production staff that continues to report for work at our Lincolnwood, IL, plant — who make the quality product that you count on — who are our heroes. We have approached the pandemic as if everyone is high-risk, meaning we have put in place health and safety practices designed to provide the most protection possible to our staff. Here are the specific practices we have adapted to minimize exposure:
- We closed the plant last month to conduct a thorough cleaning and disinfection.
- Common areas and frequently used surfaces are cleaned and disinfected twice daily: once by internal staff and once using an external cleaning company.
- Gloves and masks are required PPE for everyone.
- Everyone that enters the building has their temperature checked. Visitors are not
allowed on plant premises.
- Supervisors are asked to monitor their shifts and send home anyone showing signs of respiratory illness. All shifts are polled to check for signs of respiratory illness and sent home if they do.
- We have put a travel restriction into effect: anyone that travels out of state is placed on a 14-day quarantine.
- We continue to enforce social distance measures within the plant, lunchroom and restrooms.
- We require frequent hand-washing and disinfection throughout the plant.
- We remind everyone to stop touching their ears, nose, eyes and mouth.
- We have taken steps to limit shared spaces as much as possible to minimize group exposure: the plant has been broken down by area, each with its own separate entrance, restroom and break facilities.
Despite our best efforts, we had a team member test positive for the virus earlier this month. We planned for this eventuality and introduced enhanced measures to limit exposure that include quarantines, contact tracing and enhanced testing. We are confident that our plan will keep our team healthy. We are determined to weather this storm and emerge stronger than when we went into it. Please stay well, and thank you for your business!