There are quite a few very good reasons to choose vinyl corner beads over the metal kind, or any other material for that matter. Durability is a great one. Adaptability and flexibility are two others. But one we don’t talk about all the time is an advantage you may not think of when you think of vinyl materials — sustainability.
This Earth Day, with sustainability and “going green” on the minds of many folks more than ever, we wanted to briefly explain what this means for Trim-Tex’s vinyl corner beads and for the construction industry. And by talking about sustainability, we are talking about two big aspects of our solutions: recycled materials and resiliency.
Sustainability and recycled materials
You may not know it, but all of Trim-Tex’s corner beads are made with at least 70 percent recycled vinyl materials.
In our manufacturing process — all of which is done in the USA, from our plant in Lincolnwood, Ill. — we bring in literal tons of vinyl scrap from other manufacturers. All these bits and pieces of plastic that, otherwise, would be thrown away are ground down and used to create new corner bead that will be used in countless homes and buildings across the world.

Our process is also carefully designed to eliminate waste during manufacturing. Did we make a corner bead that doesn’t quite meet our high standards of quality? It doesn’t get thrown out, it gets ground back down and reused in the next cycle. All those little bits of vinyl that get punched out of each standard corner bead? That, too, gets collected and placed back into the mix.
All in all, through this rigorous commitment to reducing waste and recycling, we’re keeping millions of pounds of plastic out of landfills every single year.