If you’ve been following Trim-Tex for a while, you’ve heard us talk about our story many times. This time, we wanted to connect you with all the many great people that make Trim-Tex what it is. We want you to meet the people who wake up every morning and proudly walk into our manufacturing plant to make the products you put on the walls, the ones who answer your questions and address your concerns, the ones who go out to jobsites to meet you and continuously strive to solve your problems. The Trim-Tex family works hard to make something special — just like you. Without further ado, let’s take a peek beyond the bead.
Why Trim-Tex: Beyond the Bead

Changing a 100-Year-Old Industry
We hope the video speaks for itself. For the curious, here’s some backstory: Before Trim-Tex, drywall finishing was all done using metal corner beads, with all its many flaws. They dented, kinked, and rusted. So, our team did what we do best — we posed a question of how we can make the industry better! That’s where the idea behind Trim-Tex and the vinyl corner bead was born.
Trim-Tex owner, Joe Koenig explains, “Vinyl Corner Bead is infinitely more durable. Once it's installed and mudded in, it will take an impact and bounce right back.” Not only is it more resilient, but it also doesn’t dry out, crack, or need replacement, making it a cost-effective and long-lasting solution.